Most patients who have LASIK have been thinking about the procedure for years.
Why wait? We are here to answer your questions!
Phone and in person consultations available.

What is LASIK?

Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) eye surgery  can eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses in many patients. A laser is used to gently reshape the cornea, removing what is known as refractive error. The end result is clear vision, with little to no down time!

How do I know if I am a candidate?

LASIK procedures can correct vision for a wide range of prescriptions. If you are myopic (trouble seeing at distance), hyperopic (trouble seeing at near, not caused by the natural aging process) or have an astigmatism, you are likely a candidate!
Our skilled technical staff will work with Dr Gilbert to perform a number of tests before your surgery, including corneal thickness & pupil size as well as evaluating the overall health of your eye.

What about dry eye and LASIK?

All of the providers at Northwest Vision take the chronic problem of dry eye very seriously and any potential dry eye concersn will be addressed before your surgery to ensure the optimal outcome.

Is LASIK painful?

A topical anesthetic is used during LASIK and most patients report little or no discomfort.

I wear reading glasses. Can I get LASIK?

LASIK works great to correct Myopia, Hyperopia, and Astigmatism. Reading glasses needed due to presbyopia are caused by the natural aging process and may be better corrected using other technology. One of our surgical coordinator or providers would be happy to discuss your unique situation.

Can LASIK correct my astigmatism?

Yes! LASIK can correct many patients astigmatism. A quick measurement in office or peak at your glasses Rx would help us ensure that you are a candidate.