Do you struggle with chronic dry eyes, leaving you with irritation, burning, and blurry vision? You’re not alone. Millions of people experience dry eye, but relief is available.
At Northwest Vision Institute, PLLC, we offer a comprehensive range of advanced dry eye treatments to address the root cause of your discomfort. Whether you suffer from blocked oil glands or inflamed eyelids, we have a personalized solution for you.

Our advanced dry eye treatments include:

  • In-office procedures: Lumenis Optilight IPL, LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System, and BlephEx
  • At-home management: Omega-3 supplementation, hot compresses and eyelid hygiene techniques

Experience the difference with Northwest Vision Institute, PLLC. Schedule your consultation today and discover a path to lasting dry eye relief!


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy, which has been traditionally used as a cosmetic procedure for treating facial skin conditions, effectively treats chronic dry eye and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). In fact, IPL Therapy is among the more groundbreaking treatments for dry eye.


LipiFlow works by safely and comfortably delivering a combination of heat and massage to the eyelids to effectively express blockages and open the passages found in the Meibomian glands. Once the glands are free of blockages, they can resume producing and delivering the essential oil needed for healthy tear film and ocular comfort.


BlephEx™ is an in-office eye treatment that is proven to provide long-lasting relief from blepharitis and dry eye. The procedure safely and precisely removes debris from along the edge of your lashes, exfoliates your eyelids, and immediately improves uncomfortable symptoms.

At Home Management

At home management of dry eye including Omega-3 supplementation and hot compresses can be a great first line defense against dry eye, and can be used in conjunction with the provider led in-office treatments.