Find Lasting Relief for Dry Eyes at Northwest Vision Institute with Lumenis Optilight IPL

Dry eyes are a chronic condition affecting millions of people, causing irritation, burning, and blurry vision. At Northwest Vision Institute, PLLC, we’re excited to announce we now offer the innovative Lumenis Optilight IPL treatment – a safe and effective solution for dry eye sufferers.

What is Lumenis Optilight IPL?

Optilight IPL is the first and only FDA-approved IPL treatment for dry eye caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). MGD occurs when the tiny oil glands in your eyelids become blocked, preventing them from producing the essential oils that keep your tears from evaporating too quickly.

How Does Optilight IPL Work?

This in-office procedure uses gentle pulses of light to target the inflamed and clogged glands around your eyes. The light helps to:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Liquefy hardened oils
  • Improve tear quality

Benefits of Optilight IPL for Dry Eyes:

  • Long-lasting relief: Experience significant improvement in dry eye symptoms for several months.
  • Safe and comfortable: The procedure is minimally invasive and well-tolerated by patients.
  • Drug-free: Optilight offers relief without the need for additional medications or eye drops.
  • Faster results: Many patients see noticeable improvement after just a few treatment sessions.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

At Northwest Vision Institute, PLLC, our experienced team can determine if Optilight IPL is right for you. We offer comprehensive dry eye evaluations and personalized treatment plans to address your specific needs.

Don’t let dry eyes hold you back from enjoying a clear and comfortable vision. Call Northwest Vision Institute, PLLC today to schedule your consultation and experience the relief Lumenis Optilight IPL can offer!