
Find Lasting Relief for Dry Eyes at Northwest Vision Institute with LipiFlow

Dry eyes can be a constant source of irritation and discomfort, impacting your daily life. At Northwest Vision Institute, PLLC, we’re proud to offer the LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation system, a revolutionary treatment for dry eye caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).

Understanding MGD and Dry Eyes

MGD occurs when the meibomian glands in your eyelids become blocked, preventing them from producing the oils that keep your tears stable and prevent evaporation. This leads to dry eye symptoms like burning, stinging, and blurry vision.

How LipiFlow Works

LipiFlow offers a targeted approach to address MGD. This in-office procedure utilizes controlled warmth and gentle pressure to:

  • Melt clogged oils: Heat helps soften and liquefy hardened oils within the meibomian glands.
  • Express the glands: Pulsating pressure facilitates the expression of the melted oils, clearing blockages.
  • Improve gland function: Regular LipiFlow treatments can help restore the natural function of your meibomian glands.

Benefits of LipiFlow for Dry Eyes:

  • Long-lasting relief: Experience significant improvement in dry eye symptoms for up to a year.
  • Comfortable and safe: The procedure is well-tolerated and minimally invasive.
  • Reduced reliance on eye drops: LipiFlow can help decrease your dependence on eye drops for managing dry eye.
  • Effective treatment: LipiFlow has shown positive results in numerous clinical studies.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

At Northwest Vision Institute, PLLC, our team can assess your dry eye and determine if LipiFlow is the right solution for you. We offer comprehensive dry eye exams and personalized treatment plans to address the root cause of your discomfort.

Don’t suffer through dry eyes any longer. Call Northwest Vision Institute, PLLC today to schedule your consultation and experience the lasting relief LipiFlow can provide!